

Ever since I was little, I have always liked Dragon Ball.

On the first episode of the second series, an alien comes to earth saying that Goku (the main character), whom the alien refers to as Kakarot is his brother. Because I was always a fan of the show, when this episode came on TV I always wanted to learn more about aliens. I have done some research in the past and I own a lot of items that have something to do with aliens. I recently got my hands on a document that is said to have proof that aliens really do exist. As I understand, the document comes from a highly reliable source (which I will later share with you if I can confirm it). The document is very old and I only have copies of it. The few pages that I have taken a look at are hardly legible therefore I will spend some time re-writing it. Once I am done with it I will upload the copies that I have a long with the re-written version that I will create so that you may read it yourself. This could be the real deal to see whether really do exist or not! I will keep you posted. Please do note though, that I am a high school student and also work therefore I have other priorities and may take me a few days to get this done. I thank you for your patience.

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